We use a few different tools to organise the sanger-tol community - you are welcome to reach out to us at any or all!
All sanger-tol community members are expected to adhere to the sanger-tol code of conduct
GitHub organisation
If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion, please create an issue on the repository for that pipeline.
We use GitHub to manage all of the code written for sanger-tol. It's a fantastic platform and provides a huge number of tools. We have a GitHub organisation called sanger-tol which we use to give access to collaborators for editing and reviewing code.
The @sanger-tol twitter account covers work in the Tree of Life Programme at Wellcome Sanger Institute. Relevant news and events are also tweeted.
Follow @SangerToL
The sanger-tol YouTube channel is used for tutorial videos and has a playlist to collect recordings of presentations about sanger-tol from across the web. See https://www.youtube.com/@sangertreeoflife