
On this page you can see the beating heart of sanger-tol - the size of our community and the output of our work.

Please bear in mind the following points when looking over these numbers:

  • Pipelines maybe worked on before they are transferred to sanger-tol. The age, stars and other metrics of the original parent repository are not shown.
  • Metrics are for the default (main) branch only
  • Commits and contributors are only counted if associated with a GitHub account
  • nextflow pull and nextflow run uses git to clone a remote repo the first time it runs, so the clones count gives some idea of usage. However:
    • Unique cloners is based on IP address, so will under-represent institutional users sharing a single external IP address
    • Unique cloners is based on IP address, so will over-represent cloud users using multiple IP addresses
    • Traditional HPC centres may share workflow installations, so only have one clone for many users  /  pipeline runs
    • Cloud users will typically spin up a new instance and clone the workflow every time that they run a pipeline.
  • Clone counts and repositoriy views are only available for two weeks - longer term data collection for sanger-tol repos started in July 2023 This is when we started counting the totals.
  • Metrics are fetched once per day (last checked 2025-03-06).


The numbers below track our growth over the various channels that the sanger-tol community operates in.

Click a number to see how the community has grown over time


GitHub organisation members


GitHub contributors

GitHub organisation members

We use GitHub to manage all of the code written for sanger-tol. It's a fantastic platform and provides a huge number of tools. We have a GitHub organisation called sanger-tol.

It is not required to be a member of the sanger-tol GitHub organisation to contribute. However, members get the sanger-tol logo listed on their profile page and full write-access to all sanger-tol repositories.

By default, organisation membership is private. This is why you'll see a lower number if you visit the sanger-tol organisation page and are not a member.

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GitHub contributors

Anybody can fork sanger-tol repositories and open a pull-request. Here we count how many different people have contributed at least one commit to an sanger-tol repository, or created or commented on an issue or pull-request.

Plot truncated to start of 2022 (some pipelines moved to sanger-tol so have older contributions).

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Code stats

Whilst we always prefer quality over quantity, these numbers reflect the work output from the sanger-tol community.




Pull Requests





Repository traffic

Every time a nextflow user pulls a sanger-tol pipeline, the repository is cloned. Here we can track how much that happens across all sanger-tol repositories. Please note that these numbers come with some caveats [ see more ].

Additionally, GitHub tracks how many times people view repository web pages on

SVG  /  Reset zoom Git clones: All sanger-tol repositories
SVG  /  Reset zoom Visitors: All sanger-tol repositories

Pull Requests

When people contribute code to a sanger-tol repository, we conduct a "Pull request" - other members of the sanger-tol community review the proposed code and make suggestions, before merging into the main repository.

Pull Request response times

Pull-requests are reviewed by the sanger-tol community - they can contain discussion on the code and can be merged and closed. We aim to be prompt with reviews and merging. Note that some PRs can be a simple type and so very fast to merge, others can be major pipeline updates.

First response is when a comment is made by a GitHub user other than the original PR author

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GitHub issues can be created to log feature requests, bug reports or questions.

Issue response times

A sign of an active community is a quick response time to issues. Here we see a frequency histogram of how long it takes to respond to and close issues.

First response is when a comment is made by a GitHub user other than the original issue author

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Contributor Leaderboard

We value each and every contribution to sanger-tol, no matter how small. However, that doesn't mean that we can not get competitive!

Here are the latest stats of who has contributed the greatest number of commits.

  • There is more to contributing than commits! We're not counting issue comments, reviews or anything else here.
  • People merging pull-requests get bonus commit counts from those merge commits.
  • Some people commit often, others not so much. So it's not a perfect representation of amount of work - just a bit of fun!
  • main branch only, and all of the other caveats..
treeval 1481
nf-core-website 1890
nf-core-website 1470
blobtoolkit 196
nf-core-website 992
treeval 407
readmapping 150
treeval 434
nf-core-website 405
variantcalling 240
nf-core-website 252
genomenote 234
nf-core-website 219
readmapping 116
blobtoolkit 177
nf-core-website 173
genomenote 156
nf-core-website 147
nf-core-website 138
nf-core-website 135
blobtoolkit 121
nf-core-website 100
nf-core-website 87
nf-core-website 85
nf-core-website 53
nf-core-website 74
nf-core-website 59
nf-core-website 56
genomeassembly 52
nf-core-website 47
nf-core-website 42
nf-core-website 41
nf-core-website 39
nf-core-website 37
nf-core-website 35
nf-core-website 30
nf-core-website 30
nf-core-website 28
nf-core-website 22
ascc 21
nf-core-website 21
nf-core-website 21
nf-core-website 18
nf-core-website 16
nf-core-website 16
nf-core-website 15
nf-core-website 14
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nf-core-website 13
nf-core-website 13
readmapping 10
nf-core-website 13
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nf-core-website 10
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metagenomeassembly 10
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nf-core-website 4
variantcalling 3
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blobtoolkit 2
curationpretext 1

Pipeline numbers

All sanger-tol pipelines are only considered stable when they have at least one release. Until then, they are classed as "in development".


Click a row to see detailed statistics for that repository.

  Name Age Releases Committers Commits Stargazers Watchers Network Forks Clones Unique cloners Repo views Unique repo visitors
  Total: 15 pipelines 61 115 unique 13418 114 131 289 21694 4632 86778 9940
sanger-tol/blobtoolkit 3 years 5 7 626 11 7 4 1767 347 7366 988
sanger-tol/ensemblgenedownload 2 years 5 3 145 1 6 2 474 167 575 125
sanger-tol/ensemblrepeatdownload 2 years 3 3 153 1 6 1 445 152 516 102
sanger-tol/genomeassembly 3 years 0 7 144 20 12 3 2063 371 12364 1315
sanger-tol/genomenote 3 years 11 7 722 24 7 6 2552 547 10022 1352
sanger-tol/insdcdownload 3 years 5 4 216 1 7 2 771 253 1495 193
sanger-tol/readmapping 3 years 9 5 401 11 6 6 1326 309 8536 956
sanger-tol/sequencecomposition 3 years 2 3 144 2 6 1 516 165 603 126
sanger-tol/treeval 3 years 6 6 2393 23 7 5 4787 765 26139 2712
sanger-tol/variantcalling 3 years 8 6 327 4 9 3 1366 329 5109 624
sanger-tol/curationpretext 2 years 3 6 241 6 8 5 2078 528 4500 621
sanger-tol/ascc 2 years 1 4 603 4 8 0 2933 520 8502 669
sanger-tol/genealignment 8 months 0 1 1 0 4 0 63 52 101 32
sanger-tol/ear 7 months 3 1 84 0 5 0 362 91 873 105
sanger-tol/metagenomeassembly 12 months 0 1 10 1 4 0 190 35 77 20
sanger-tol/bioscan_anospp_metadata 3 years 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/bioscan_sciops 1 year 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/bioscan_bold 9 months 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/ancharch 9 months 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/MicroFinder 6 months 0 0 3 3 2
sanger-tol/Pretext-curation-tools 5 months 0 0 0 2 0
sanger-tol/rapid-curation 5 months 0 0 0 2 1
sanger-tol/nf-core-website 4 months 0 100 7208 0 0 224 1 1 0 0
sanger-tol/badass-ops 3 months 0 0 0 2 0
sanger-tol/a-lager 2 months 0 0 0 2 0
sanger-tol/variantcomposition 2 months 0 0 0 2 1
sanger-tol/Panophily 2 months 0 0 1 1 0
sanger-tol/components 1 month 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/hifi-trimmer 4 weeks 0 0 1 8 0
sanger-tol/tol-portal 4 weeks 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/generate_ena_biosampleids 2 weeks 0 0 0 1 0
sanger-tol/TOGA 2 weeks 0 0 0 0 23
  Name Age Releases Committers Commits Stargazers Watchers Network Forks Clones Unique cloners Repo views Unique repo visitors