Organised by Seqera and nf-core


Join us from October 3-5, 2022 for the Nextflow and nf-core training event!

The training is entirely virtual and free and will cover the fundamentals of using Nextflow and nf-core. The training will offer something for all skill levels but will be especially useful for those who are new to Nextflow and the nf-core community, or if you are thinking about joining the nf-core Hackathon (October 10-12, 2022) for the first time.


The training will be held across three consecutive days in 2.5-hour sessions (including time for a small break and questions).

Because nf-core is a global community we are making the training geographically accessible and will be holding separate sessions for different timezones:

Region Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
earth_asia APAC (Asia-Pacific)
earth_africa EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa)
earth_americas AMER (North, Central, and South America)

(All times shown relative to your web browser's timezone)

You are welcome to attend whichever sessions work best for you.

Training links

Streaming links

Training will be live streamed on YouTube. Streaming links can be accessed below.

Session Topic APAC EMEA AMER
Session 1
3rd October
Introduction to Nextflow (30 min)
Live Stream

Live Stream

Live Stream
Getting started with Nextflow (30 min)
Break (15 min)
Simple RNA-Seq pipeline (45 min)
Managing dependencies & containers (30 min)
Session 2
4th October
Channels (20 min)
Live Stream

Live Stream

Live Stream
Processes (30 min)
Operators (10 min)
Break (15 min)
Modularization - DSL2 workflows (30 min)
Nextflow configuration (15 min)
Deployment scenarios (30 min)
Session 3
5th October
Community - Slack / GitHub (20 min)
Live Stream

Live Stream

Live Stream
nf-core create pipelines (20 min)
nf-core schema (10 min)
Break (10 min)
nf-core modules (40 min)
Break (10 min)
Tower (40 min)


Prior experience with Nextflow and nf-core is not required to attend. However, to get the most out of the training, we recommend that you are comfortable using the command line and have a basic understanding of scripting language concepts.

The training material will be available in a preconfigured development environment in Gitpod. This environment will contain all of the data and tools required to run Nextflow and participate in the training fully.

To be able to use Gitpod for the training you will need:

Asking questions

We anticipate that many of you will have questions throughout the training. To help manage these questions we have created dedicated channels on the nf-core Slack that our team members will monitor. The benefit of this is that we will be able to reply in individual threads rather than one big chain where some questions and answers may get lost.

If you are not already a part of the nf-core slack organization you can join using this link. The dedicated channels for questions can be found by searching All Channels, which is at the top left corner of your Slack window. To keep noise down at different times of the day we have created separate channels for each time zone group and are linked below.

We will do our best to answer all questions at the time they are posted. However, because of the large number of attendees, we anticipate it may take some time to answer everyone. Our priority will be to keep everyone moving forward during the training, but will come back to questions that are missed during the training session.


Click on the link below and fill out the registration form to secure your place!

Register now

Community Streaming Events

Community streaming events are a great way to engage with your local communities while participating in events remotely. By simply booking a room and gathering your colleagues you can create discussion and build your community while enjoying the training, nf-core Hackathon, and/or Nextflow Summit together.

If this is something you are interested in you can tell us about your plans using the link below. We will send you extra material to help you prepare and promote your local event. To get started we have a poster that you can download, edit, and share. We have also created a dedicated #community-stream-events Slack channel where you can ask questions and share information about your event.

Keep an eye out for others hosting community events in your area. We will be sharing information about community events and how to get in contact with hosts on our website.

You can add your community event using this link.

Code of conduct

Please note that by attending the training event you are agreeing to abide by our Code of Conduct.