Local event to be held at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as a satellite event of the Natal Bioinformatics Forum 2023.

Primary contact: Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas / João Paulo Matos Santos Lima

Important information

  • The space reserved for our activities is within the Brain Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. When arriving at the place, ask at the reception for instructions on how to get to the place. It's pretty close!
  • We will meet at this space on March 27th and 28th starting at 9AM until 6PM. On the third day (March 29th), we will meet at the Golden Tulip Ponta Negra Hotel. Don't forget to bring an earphone so that you can communicate online with ease. If you don't have a personal computer to bring, there will be computers available on the first two days.
  • On the first day, March 27th, at 6PM we will have a social dinner sponsored by Seqera Labs.
  • Don't hesitate to get in touch with Marcel if you have any questions, either through Slack or by e-mail at mribeirodantas at seqera.io