Local event to be held at QBiC, Tübingen.

Primary contact: Friederike Hanssen

warning Sign-up is closed, as maximum capacity at this site has been reached. We have a waiting list. Please get in touch with Friederike Hanssen, if you want to be added.

Local Schedule

Time Mon. 27 Mar., 2023 Tue. 28 Mar., 2023 Wed. 29 Mar., 2023
09:00 Arrival:
H-Bau H2C14
H-Bau H2C14
H-Bau H2C14
09:30 Local Welcome Hack! Hack!
10:00 Welcome
Location: Lecture Theatre
11:00 Hack!
12:30 Lunch @QBiC Lunch Lunch
13:30 Hack! Hack! Hack!
16:00 Daily sync
Location: Lecture Theatre
Daily sync
Location: Lecture Theatre
Final wrap-up
Location: Lecture Theatre
19:00 Social Dinner
Location: TBD
Seqera Pizza Dinner
Location: TBD

Organisational Information

The University of Tuebingen has an in-house mensa for lunch, where we will eat Tuesday and Wednesday. We will arrange for guest cards that can be recharged by both card and cash. We will also arrange a social dinner on Monday.

We will meet on all days at:

H-Bau (CZI)
Auf der Morgenstelle 6
72076 Tübingen

Morgenstelle Campus map


This local event is being kindly supported by the Quantitative Biology Center at the University of Tuebingen.