Local event to be held Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia. We will be in the Laboratory of Computational Genomics, fourth floor of the building, opposite corner to the Library.

Primary contacts: Francesco Lescai(francesco.lescai@unipv.it) and Mariangela Santorsola(mariangela.santorsola@unipv.it)

Please use the main registration form to sign up, but feel free to email Francesco or Mariangela if you would like any more information.

Local Schedule

Time Mon. 27 Mar., 2023 Tue. 28 Mar., 2023 Wed. 29 Mar., 2023
09:30 Local Welcome and Setup Daily Start Daily Start
10:00 Welcome
Location: Lecture Theatre
Hack! Hack!
11:00 Hack!
16:00 Daily sync
Location: Lecture Theatre
Daily sync
Location: Lecture Theatre
Final wrap-up
Location: Lecture Theatre

Organisational Information

There is a cafeteria close by - La Bouvette dell'Ingegnere, which accepts both card and cash.

We will also optionally arrange a social dinner in one of the evenings if there is interest among the attendees.


This local event is kindly supported by the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia, hosting the event, by seqeralabs and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative