Organised by nf-core


Join us from March 13-16 2023 for the Nextflow and nf-core training event!

The training is entirely virtual and free and will cover the fundamentals of using Nextflow and nf-core. While the training will offer something for all skill levels it will be especially useful for those who are new to Nextflow and the nf-core community, or if you are thinking about joining the nf-core Hackathon (March 27-29, 2023) for the first time.

Prior knowledge of Nextflow is not required but will make it easier to understand new concepts.

Learning in your language

Learning something in a non-native language can be difficult. To help make learning Nextflow more accessible, these training sessions will be streamed in five different languages!

  • English
  • French
  • Hindi
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Accessing the streams

To make the workshops available to everyone they will be streamed on the nf-core YouTube channel.

You can find playlists of the streams for this event in five languages here.


Training sessions will be available from 3 pm (CET) each day. Each session will be approximately 2 hours.

Session 1 (March 13)

Session 1 will provide an overview of core Nextflow concepts. You will be taken through example Nextflow pipelines and introduced to concepts that will be expanded in Sessions 2, 3, and 4.

  • Welcome (5 min)
  • An introduction to Nextflow (25 min)
  • Getting started with Nextflow (30 min)
  • A proof of concept RNA-Seq pipeline (60 min)

Session 2 (March 14)

Session 2 will dive into nf-core and explore the tools and documentation available for runnings and developing best-practice Nextflow pipelines.

  • An introduction to nf-core (20 min)
  • nf-core for users (30 min)
  • nf-core for developers (30 min)
  • nf-core modules and subworkflows (30 min)

Session 3 (March 15)

Session 3 will expand on concepts first introduced in Session 1. The Nextflow language and structure will be explained in more detail through example code and exercises.

  • Managing dependencies and containers (20 min)
  • Channels, Processes, and Operators (60 min)
  • Groovy introduction (20 min)
  • Modularization (20 min)

Session 4 (March 16)

Session 4 will show you how to configure and deploy Nextflow pipelines. Strategies for utilizing Nextflows cache and resume will be explored and you will be introduced to Nextflow Tower.

  • Configuring pipelines (30 min)
  • Deployment scenarios (20 min)
  • Cache and resume (20 min)
  • Troubleshooting (20 min)
  • Getting started with Nextflow Tower (30 min)

Asking questions

Questions can be asked in the Slack channels created for this event. Community volunteers will monitor these channels and will answer your questions as quickly as they can. You can join the nf-core Slack here.

Please be aware that due to the size of this event there may be a delay when answering your questions.

Code of conduct

Please note that by attending the training event you are agreeing to abide by our Code of Conduct.