Repository health
Check GitHub settings for all sanger-tol Nextflow pipelines repositories
Pipeline Name |
Released | Released after tools | Main = release | JSON Schema | DSL2 | Wikis | Issues | Merge commits | Rebase merging | Squash merges | Default branch | Keywords | Description | Repo URL | Team access | Branches exist | Branch protection: main | Branch protection: dev |
ascc |
blobtoolkit |
curationpretext |
ear |
ensemblgenedownload |
ensemblrepeatdownload |
genealignment |
genomeassembly |
genomenote |
insdcdownload |
metagenomeassembly |
readmapping |
sequencecomposition |
treeval |
variantcalling |
Core repos
Pipeline Name |
Wikis | Issues | Merge commits | Rebase merging | Squash merges | Default branch | Keywords | Description | Repo URL | Team all | Team admin | main: exists |
cobiontcheck |
gda |
longreadmag |
nf-core-modules |
nf-core-tools |
nf-core-website |
pipelines-website |
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