nf-core instructions

This page is heavily inspired by the nf-core page Adding a new pipeline.

Create the pipeline

All pipelines must use the nf-core template. This is done by using the nf-core create command - see the docs for detailed instructions. This tool does lots of things for you: it gives you the correct file structure and boiler plate code and also sets up the required git infrastructure for you to keep your pipeline in sync in the future.

When asked Do you want to customize which parts of the template are used ?, answer y. Then, set the "Pipeline prefix" to "sanger-tol", and when asked to "Skip template areas", disable "iGenomes config" by:

  • pressing the down arrow to choose the option,
  • pressing the space-bar to select it for disablement,
  • pressing Enter

Push to GitHub

Create an empty repository on GitHub for your new pipeline under Do this by:

  1. going to the GitHub website,
  2. clicking + then New Repository,
  3. selecting "sanger-tol" as the Owner.

Make sure not to initialise it with any file, README or LICENSE: you just want an empty repository. You already have these files generated from the nf-core template.

Leave the repository as "Public". We don't want to hide our pipelines, even when they're in progress.

Once created, copy the git URL and add this as a remote to your local git repository. The nf-core create command will have initialised a git repository for you, so all you need to do is add the remote:

## Add a remote called 'origin' - this is the default name for a primary remote
git remote add origin

The create command also generated the three standard nf-core branches (master, dev and TEMPLATE), together with an initial commit which is shared between them. This git structure is required for automatic template synchronisation in the future.

You first need to rename the master branch:

git branch -m master main

Then, you can push these new branches to the remote GitHub repository:

git push --all origin

You should now see the vanilla nf-core template and branches in the web interface.

GitHub configuration

Head up to your repository on GitHub and do the following.

In the About section on the right, click on the cog wheel and:

  1. Set the URL to$PIPELINE_NAME.
  2. Add the topics pipeline and nextflow. This is required to enable it on the pipelines website.
    • Most pipelines also have workflow and genomics.
  3. Enter a description.

Then, ask @muffato or @mcshane to add the repository to:

  1. The "nextflow_all" team with the "write" permission
  2. The "nextflow_admin" team with the "admin" permission
  3. Remove your individual access to the repository

Finally, ask @gq1 to set up the pipeline settings via

 Other bits

The repository needs to be integrated with Zenodo before making the first release. Better to do it now before anyone forgets ! Ask @muffato to enable the Zenodo integration.